
Falling in love with gardening and plants was a natural progression of my love for mother nature. As a young girl, you would find me climbing trees or deep in the woods marveling at all that be.

The first garden I entered changed the course of my life. A friend of mine whose wife was a  master gardener invited me over for lunch one day. As I pulled down their quarter mile driveway, I felt like I was leaving reality and entering someplace magical. Indeed, I was! I had never seen anything so magnificent.

My journey began that day…30 years later here I am. Having spent countless volunteer hours under many master gardeners and organizations that help to protect the environment, teach best practices, and grow living art, I too have graduated from the master gardeners program at NCSU. What an honor and privilege this has been.

I started The Gardeners Gallery in 2016 as an exterior and landscape design firm. By word of mouth it grew, and grew…and grew. We recently opened up our retail shop in downtown Blowing Rock, North Carolina, offering a plant nursery, flower market and design specialist business.

– Jill Berkin / NC State Master Gardener

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